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介護サービスコード表 2015年版 1.0.0
厚生労働省の平成27年4月1日の次の資料に基づいたサービスコードの早見表です。・指定居宅サービスに要する費用の額の算定に関する基準(平成十二年厚生省告示第十九号)(抄)【平成二十七年四月一日施行】・指定居宅介護支援に要する費用の額の算定に関する基準(平成十二年厚生省告示第二十号)・指定施設サービス等に要する費用の額の算定に関する基準(平成十二年厚生省告示第二十一号)(抄)【平成二十七年四月一日施行】・指定介護予防サービスに要する費用の額の算定に関する基準(平成十八年厚生労働省告示第百二十七号)(抄)【平成二十七年四月一日施行】・指定地域密着型サービスに要する費用の額の算定に関する基準(平成十八年厚生労働省告示第百二十六号)(抄)【平成二十七年四月一日施行】・指定地域密着型介護予防サービスに要する費用の額の算定に関する基準(平成十八年厚生労働省告示第百二十八号)(抄)【平成二十七年四月一日施行】に準じたサービスコード表。It is a quick referencetable of service code based on the following article in the April1, 2015 of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.· Designated In-Home takes to service standards for thecalculation of the amount of expenses (2000 Ministry of Health andWelfare Notification nineteenth issue) (Extract) [enforcement April1, 2015]· Designated In-Home Standard for the calculation of the amount ofcost of care support (2000 Ministry of Health and WelfareNotification Number twentieth)-Designated facilities services, etc. to take standards for thecalculation of the amount of expenses (2000 Ministry of Health andWelfare Notification twenty first issue) (Extract) [enforcementApril 1, 2015]• Specifying care standards for the calculation of preventionrequired to service the cost amount (2006 Ministry of Health, Laborand Welfare one hundred and twenty seventh issue) (Extract)[enforcement April 1, 2015]· Designated Community type required for service standards for thecalculation of the amount of expenses (2006 Ministry of Health,Labor and Welfare one hundred and twenty sixth issue) (Extract)[enforcement April 1, 2015]• Specifying community-based care prevention required for servicestandards for the calculation of the amount of expenses (2006Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare one hundred and twenty eighthissue) (Extract) [April 2015 oneDay enforcement]Service code table that conforms to.